| Consulting & Coaching
| Retreats & Workshop | List of Services
| Past Clients | Mission
Consulting |
If you Want to: But face difficulties:
I can help your organization discover what is blocking getting your work done and, on a customized basis, work with you and your managers to develop processes, systems, and activities to overcome those blocks. To overcome the blocks to getting work done, I work with you and your managers to help to:
I Also
Retreats | Regular Retreats bring organizations together, facilitate
self evaluation, build team consensus, develop future directions, and re-dedicate
organizational members. I design and facilitate participatory retreats which result in
greater understanding of organizational behavior, effective, realistic plans, and high
organizational commitment. All Retreats are highly participatory, involving all
participants in identifying retreat themes, collecting data and diagnosing issues, and
developing serious plans and commitments.
Workshops & Training |
Workshops help groups tackle difficult issues and get work
done; in the process, participants learn by doing. Trainings focus on imparting skills
which the participants will later apply to their work. I design and conduct both workshops
and training based on an explicit needs assessment and experiential/participatory
techniques. In the past, I have conducted workshops in the areas of organizational
diagnosis, organizational structure, project planning, monitoring &evaluation, team
building, Myers Briggs Type Indicators, leadership, Training of Trainers, contracting
services, organizational governance, and consulting skills.
Strategic Planning |
Good strategies are based on understanding of the
NGOs environment and clear concise vision and mission. I facilitate organizations in
identifying and collecting the information they needs to prosper. With this data, the
management and staff work together to develop their shared vision, identify blocks to that
vision, create strategies to overcome the blocks, and finally develop work plans to
implement the strategies. The results of this highly participatory process are shared
goals and commitment.
Evaluations | Evaluations can be important tools for project and organizational health. In a good evaluation, a project collects and analyses data on its performance and impact and makes decisions for next steps. Following an action research model, I work as collaboratively as possible with NGOs, sharing the responsibility for collecting data, analyzing the results, and developing recommendations. This collaborative process results in improved self evaluation capabilities and real decisions that will be implemented. |
Past clients include:
World Wide Fund for Nature, Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia
(YLBHI), WALHI, PACT/Indonesia, Bina Swadaya, CRS/Indonesia, NOVIB, VSO/Indonesia, Global
Movindo, Care, Business Dynamics, Cambodian American National Development Organization,
PACT/Cambodia, Khmer Buddhist Society/Cambodia, and Vaddhanak/Cambodia. |
Projects Evaluated: |
Frank C. Page